Strong Body Company

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Tailored Strength Programs

I have a hard time calling this a fitness blog as there are millions of them out there! We offer tailored strength and conditioning programs rather than one program that fits all. Why do we do that?

We all, at one stage or another, have asked ourselves why doesn’t that detox diet, that yoga regime, that new aged vibration devise, that low carb diet work on me as well as on my friend Sophie? Why, no matter how many chin-ups I do, my brother Bruce still beats me every time?

These are the questions I want to discuss. I want to look at the “how”? How beneficial is all the information that is being thrown at us regarding our health, fitness and wellbeing.

Years of being a strength and conditioning coach have taught me that no one person is the same. We don’t look at problems the same way. Our daily life is not the same and we stress about different things! In the mid 90’s, at the beginning of my studies and about to embark into a career of health and fitness, I was taught fundamentals of the body anatomy, physiology and even psychology. It all made complete sense! We eat for energy. We sleep to recover. The greater the demand on the body, the need for a different energy system is incorporated! Jog and you use your aerobic energy system, get chased by a lion and you will quickly go into your anaerobic system!

So in simple terms its just like 1+1= 2! Run fast burn carbohydrate. Run steady, burn fat and carbohydrates! Based on that theory, just like an accountant, I should be able to rely on the fact that 1+1 will always result in 2. I realised very soon though that no matter how often I apply the same principals, the outcome can be quite varied.


As I tried to allude to earlier, people are complex and quiet different! You might share the same genes as your parents, but mentally you don’t always share the same views. As a result daily routines are different, eating habits, tastes, motivations and drivers are different. Within a family unit there will obviously be similarities but we are all individuals who approach life in very different ways. This is pretty normal and is called evolution!

Our bodies’ nature and our tribes used to be the only information highway! Our basic needs and opposite sex were our motivators! Some things have not changed. But with so much information at our fingertips these days, how do we make sense of it all?

Where does this information come from? Why should we believe the information? Who or what is behind the information? And how can it work for me?

These are the questions we should be asking ourselves. These are some of the questions I will be discussing in this “not your average fitness blog”.

The aim is to educate people and hopefully give some useful advice, manage expectations and with that avoid disappointment.

Stay tuned!

PS: of course you can always jump ahead and book in a session with me so we can design a tailored strength program for you to get you on the right path.

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