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Priority where does yours lie? – Strong Body Company

The three biggest influences in your life are work, home (family and friends) and YOU! These factors will change in priority for each individual and for most of us those priorities will change over time. Some people think they have their priorities all worked out but their actions say otherwise. Well luckily Strong Body Company is here to help a little on the way.

We are creatures of habit. We are influenced by our surroundings and we find it very hard to change things in our lives that we know are affecting us badly. Often the realisation that somethings need to change, is when we become most stressed. Simply because we don’t know where to start or we feel that there has to be a dramatic change in order for us to get on track. Dramatic change might be ok for the few but certainly not for the many. 

Dreams, ambition or priorities call it what ever you want they evolve, so spending time on you is important so that you can evolve and adapt. Assessing what is going on in your live and if you are in the position you want to be. When we get busy the first person we forget is ourselves. The truth of the matter is that if you are not ok, you are not productive and not very good company. Taking time for yourself might seem easy but it isn’t. 

You should invest this time to reflect on your life and not filling it up with another business matter or family duty. There are many ways for you to get to a point from which you can reflect on your life. This does not mean one way is better than the other. Meditation does work for many people but not everyone. Going for a long walk might be all you need, to get the noise of the day out of your head and refocus on what is important to you. Long steady state cardiovascular exercise is another great way of getting you in a state of mindfulness. The rhythmic motion and solidarity helps to strip down the many thoughts and worries you might have been debating in your head. Changing your focus to your breathing, your stride if you are running and how your body is copping. Once thats under control you and the scenery are all that is left!

Family and friends are big influencers and if you ask most people what is their biggest priority they would answer the above. I stated earlier you are not great company if you are not in the right place. Or something to that effect. What i am trying to say is that, YOU need to be at the top of the priority list. The habits that you create for yourself can inspire others. If you are healthy and happy the chances are you will positively affect your most loved circles. 

Work is not the enemy! More than likely it has not changed at all. Yes there are deadlines, busy periods and demanding people, but those things were there when you started. You changed the way you look at your daily routine and only see a chore, the stress and the demands placed on you. Think back to the beginning, the excitement of your first day, your first promotion and how you felt. The hard work had paid of. All of that happened because you put your mind to it and kept focused!

‘The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.’ Quote by David Cuschieri

When you embark to endeavour on something health, business or family related, know where your priority lies and that there is excitement and a sense of achievement in everything we do.

If you decide to make time for yourself and get yourself into shape or finally get on top of some fitness issues, just click here to book in a session at Strong Body Company clinic.

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